Sunday, June 6, 2010

Deconstructed Pizza Bites

I finally have feeling back in my feet.

Yesterday, I helped my mom cater the pre-graduation run through party for our home-school group. We cooked food for somewhere around 130 people, and by the end of the day I felt like I had been run over by a truck.

In a good way.

In a happy way.

I loved seeing how excited these young men and women are to be graduating. What does life hold for them? Who is the person they will grow into?

Do you remember what you wanted to do when graduated from high school? Are you doing what you wanted?

When I graduated, I had thought about going into the Baltimore International College to study culinary arts, but I really didn't know what I wanted to do. I started working at a flower shop and learned that I loved working with people. Eventually I changed jobs and began working in a Christian bookstore where I learned that I loved working with Christian people. Christians are notorious for being difficult people (sadly) but I enjoyed the challenge. I also loved being surrounded by Christian literature and especially the music. During that time, I still felt the pull of culinary arts so I decided to do catering on the side for family and friends. I learned that I didn't enjoy it was much as I thought I would. I figured out that I enjoyed the art of food...not necessarily all the dishes and equipment that went with catering! I think God saved me - I know I would have failed culinary school. So, I still enjoy the art of food and cooking and creating new recipes...on my own terms, whenever I want. The best part is, God brought me to a job that never entered my radar showing He is TOTALLY in control of my destiny...and I have amazing co-workers who willing try my latest, crazy recipe!

For this party, we did all finger foods. I call this little appetizer "Deconstructed Pizza Bites." On a party sized toothpick (I can only find them at party stores), thread a marinated mozzarella ball (pre-done or put some mozzarella balls in a container and add bruised flat leaf parsley, cracked garlic cloves, red pepper flakes, cover the balls with olive oil, and marinate over night), a piece of basil, 3 slices of pepperoni, and one grape tomato. That's it. Done. Easy peasy. There's something about the richness of the mozzarella, the spiciness of the pepperoni, the licorice flavor of the basil, and then the *pop* of the grape tomato that is just ridiculously yummy.


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